Sunday, January 6, 2013

Diablo 3 Give Away Update

Our bumper Give Away spree is chugging along quite nicely. So far we’ve held six contests; you can view them and all the winners here. That page is updated as and when new contests go live/close and it’s linked from the Colorful graphic on the right hand side of the page for future ref.

The contest for the Book of Cain which asked which were the most popular skills of soft core and hardcore Barbarians was won by Lord OfS trategy.  The answer was Soft core – Revenge (Best Served Cold or Vengeance is Mine) and Hardcore was also Revenge (Vengeance is Mine).

We held a couple of simple contests on our Facebook and Twitter pages for official authenticators and Diablo 3 T-shirts and those were won by Christopher Erickson and @QueenofHaiku.  More to come there.

Fake it Baby!
We’re now giving away another signed Diablo III Collector’s Edition and we thought we would necro an old format we liked back in the day. Fake Screenshots.  It’s really simple and you don’t need to possess any real artistic ability, just a soup?on of creativity.

Take one Diablo 3 screenshot or official art work (best not use fan art) and embellish it with images or effects.  You can try to pass it off as authentic looking or obviously funny or silly – whatever you wish. You can submit as many entries as you want.  We preserved some of the old ones from D2 days in the gallery which might serve as inspiration.  Just have fun with it.

Once you’ve worked you magic in Paint, Photoshop or whatever add your image to this thread in the general forum.  We’ll let this one run for a while to give you and sell dofus kamas

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